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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned To Updated Target version % Done
2033LabInvent (InventIrap)FeatureResolvedHighFEATURE/ GENERAL LABINVENT 105/04/2017 03:13 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT#1 - amélioration installation (v2.5)

2042LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionResolvedHighbugfix - cf fiche buguée avec numéro inventaire IRAP-2070-0001, et date achat 1/1/70, ce qui ne devrait normalement pas être possible !! : Thibault05/04/2017 03:13 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT#1 - amélioration installation (v2.5)

2045LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionResolvedHighPagination - rendre la valeur courante modifiable à volonté et la valeur par défaut configurableAjas Thibault05/04/2017 03:13 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT#1 - amélioration installation (v2.5)

2046LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionResolvedNormalInstallation - configuration pc Windows, installation VM linux, installation projet (2 instances : une version officielle, et une version dev)Ajas Thibault05/04/2017 03:12 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT#1 - amélioration installation (v2.5)

2035LabInvent (InventIrap)FeatureNewNormalFEATURE/ EMPRUNT05/02/2017 03:40 PM

2036LabInvent (InventIrap)FeatureNewNormalFEATURE/ SUIVI05/02/2017 03:40 PM

2037LabInvent (InventIrap)FeatureNewNormalFEATURE/ AUTHENTIFICATION ET AUTORISATIONS (ACL)05/02/2017 03:40 PM

2050LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionNewNormalacl configurables - rendre les autorisations configurables via une table de config dans la BD et un formulaire web permettant de le modifierAjas Thibault05/02/2017 03:01 PM

2038LabInvent (InventIrap)FeatureNewNormalFEATURE/ ETIQUETTES (ruban)05/04/2017 03:04 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT #2 (v2.6)

2103LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionNewNormalEtiquettes - installer etiqueteuse sur Win7 et Win10 et expliquer la procédure sur wiki-install (donner aussi url vers logiciel dymo DLS)Ajas Thibault05/04/2017 03:04 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT #2 (v2.6)

2104LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionNewLowEtiquettes - installer etiqueteuses sur les postes clients05/04/2017 03:04 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT #2 (v2.6)

2105LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionNewLowEtiquettes - installer etiqueteuse sur MacPallier Etienne05/04/2017 03:04 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT #2 (v2.6)

2058LabInvent (InventIrap)StoryNewNormalstory105/02/2017 03:05 PM

2060LabInvent (InventIrap)Technical StoryNewNormaltech story105/02/2017 03:07 PM

2061LabInvent (InventIrap)FeatureNewNormalFEATURE/ MATERIEL 205/04/2017 02:57 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT #2 (v2.6)

2063LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionNewNormalCa serait bien que le proprio puisse modifier sa fiche, une fois créée, mais aussi même après qu'elle ait été validée. Attention, la modification post-validation ne peut porter que sur les renseignements techniques complémentairesAjas Thibault05/02/2017 03:19 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT #2 (v2.6)

2065LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionIn ProgressNormalAjouter un champ "Durée de garantie" sur la fiche matériel, et mettre le nom du pc et date fin garantie en rouge quand il n'est plus sous garantie (sauf si la durée de garantie n'est pas précisée)Ajas Thibault05/04/2017 02:57 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT #2 (v2.6)

2062LabInvent (InventIrap)FeatureNewNormalFEATURE/ MATERIEL 305/02/2017 03:27 PM

2066LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionNewNormalPour la partie administrative, la validation doit permettre l'édition de la fiche officielle d'inventaire transmise à la tutelle. Permettre l'édition de cette fiche (demande urgente).Ajas Thibault05/02/2017 03:27 PM

2067LabInvent (InventIrap)FeatureIn ProgressNormalFEATURE/ GENERAL LABINVENT 2Ajas Thibault05/04/2017 04:58 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT #2 (v2.6)

2070LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionIn ProgressNormalEMAILS - Affiner la fonctionnalité d’envoi automatique des emailsAjas Thibault05/04/2017 04:58 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT #2 (v2.6)

2098LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionResolvedNormalEMAIL 1 - l’envoi d’emails doit être désactivé par défaut lors de l’installationAjas Thibault05/04/2017 04:56 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT #2 (v2.6)

2100LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionIn ProgressNormalEMAIL 2 - on doit pouvoir configurer cette fonctionnalité (et l'activer ou la désactiver)05/04/2017 04:58 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT #2 (v2.6)

2101LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionNewNormalEMAIL 3 - (Demande electroniciens) Ca serait bien que le proprio de la fiche reçoive un email quand l’étiquette est imprimée, ou encore quand la fiche est validée (dans le but qu’il vérifie et complète cette fiche)05/04/2017 02:33 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT #2 (v2.6)

2102LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionNewLowEMAIL 4 - Relance, Rappel d’intervention par email (cf 02:36 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT #2 (v2.6)

2071LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionNewNormalinstall AVEC LDAP - Tester et trouver une solution pour qu'on puisse facilement ajouter une personne du LDAP en tant que superadmin (ou au moins expliquer sur le wiki quelle manip faire pour s'en sortir)Ajas Thibault05/04/2017 03:09 PMLabInvent (InventIrap) - SPRINT #2 (v2.6)

2072LabInvent (InventIrap)FeatureNewNormalFEATURE/ GENERAL LABINVENTAjas Thibault05/04/2017 03:24 PM

2068LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionNewNormalPassage à Php7Ajas Thibault05/04/2017 03:23 PM

2069LabInvent (InventIrap)ActionNewNormalROADMAP : Terminer de faire ce qui est dans la roadmap et qui est encore d'actualité ( Thibault05/02/2017 03:44 PM

32GammaLibBugNewNormalGFitsTableLlgCol::integer() method is subject to overflow02/20/2012 05:19 PM

36GammaLibFeatureNewLowComplete implementation of FITS ASCII table handling02/20/2012 06:06 PM

37GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressUrgentSupport removing and updating of an existing HDUKnödlseder Jürgen12/06/2013 12:58 AM

38GammaLibFeatureNewLowClean up GFits classes02/20/2012 06:08 PM

39GammaLibFeatureNewLowAssure consistency of FITS column operations02/20/2012 06:07 PM

43GammaLibFeatureNewNormalDocument and format matrix classes02/20/2012 05:58 PM

45GammaLibFeatureNewLowCorrectly reflect any change in the NULL value of FITS table columns02/20/2012 06:06 PM

142GammaLibFeatureNewNormalConfigure script should test for LateX04/02/2012 05:18 PM

260GammaLibBugNewUrgentUbuntu 12.04: can not locate the readline and ncurses librariesKnödlseder Jürgen01/16/2018 12:41 PM

267GammaLibBugNewNormalFreeBSD requires gmake for compilation07/03/2012 01:39 AM

280GammaLibBugNewNormalcurses library not correctly detected on openSolaris 1107/05/2012 11:31 PM

305GammaLibFeatureNewNormalComplete implementation of Fermi/LAT response07/12/2012 08:58 AM

306GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressNormalClean up Fermi/LAT response classes06/21/2016 05:24 PM

289GammaLibActionIn ProgressNormalExtend and cleanup GLATResponseTable classKnödlseder Jürgen07/12/2012 10:15 AM

367GammaLibBugIn ProgressNormalRegistries seem not to work when compiled statically on CentOS08/20/2012 12:19 AM

413GammaLibBugNewNormalMemory conflict when working with GLog clones10/14/2012 03:05 PM

419GammaLibActionNewNormalDisable tests involving Fits file access if cfitsio is not compiled into GammaLib08/18/2012 04:52 AM

433GammaLibBugNewNormalGammaLib check fails on Solaris using the Sun Studio compiler08/23/2012 01:47 AM

487GammaLibFeatureNewNormalAdd developer info wiki page on how to develop GammaLib with an IDE like Eclipse / XCodeDeil Christoph09/19/2012 11:06 PM

569GammaLibActionNewNormalAdd acceptance readerKnödlseder Jürgen10/03/2013 02:34 PM

559GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressNormalCreate Eclipse C++ code formatting style for gammalibDeil Christoph07/19/2014 02:09 AM

566GammaLibFeatureNewNormalDistribute gammalib for Macs via the Macports package manager?Deil Christoph10/15/2012 01:46 PM

580GammaLibFeatureNewNormalGenerate Linux packages for gammalib and ctools via the Open Build ServiceDeil Christoph11/01/2012 09:59 PM

581GammaLibFeatureNewNormalDistribute gammalib for Macs via the Homebrew package managerDeil Christoph10/31/2012 05:27 PM

583GammaLibActionNewNormalReserve a good domain name for gammalib / ctools?11/01/2012 09:55 PM

589GammaLibBugNewNormalRun Valgrind on unit tests?12/05/2012 11:04 AM

591GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressUrgentInvestigate how GammaLib can be made VO compliant.10/06/2016 05:41 PM

1170GammaLibActionNewHighAdd object to coordinate transformation using VO services to GSkyDirLouge Thierry12/12/2014 12:35 PM

1231GammaLibActionIn ProgressNormalDesign and implement GVOTable class07/31/2017 11:09 PM

610GammaLibFeatureNewNormalRethink FITS image classes11/18/2013 08:50 PM

612GammaLibFeatureNewNormalAdd Monte Carlo simulation support to COMPTEL interface.12/04/2012 10:47 PM

619GammaLibBugNewNormalSegfault in @GPythonTestSuite.test_value()@Knödlseder Jürgen12/06/2012 12:54 PM

620GammaLibFeatureNewNormalStack trace from Python unit tests12/10/2013 12:18 AM

623GammaLibChange requestIn ProgressLowChange deprecated INCLUDES to AM_CPPFLAGS in filesKnödlseder Jürgen01/09/2014 01:10 PM

651GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressNormalCrab reference spectraDeil Christoph12/17/2012 08:48 PM

688GammaLibBugNewNormalAdd type checking rule for 'int []' in GFitsTableCol.i01/11/2013 01:23 AM

725GammaLibFeatureNewNormalAllow for instrument dependent model scalingKnödlseder Jürgen12/10/2013 12:18 AM

727GammaLibActionNewNormalAdd global instrument scaling.Knödlseder Jürgen02/05/2013 05:19 PM

749GammaLibChange requestNewNormalMove instrument, ontime, livetime and deadc attributes to GObservation base class01/08/2014 06:04 PM

801GammaLibActionNewNormalCorrectly implement scanf and printf methods for GUrlString03/16/2013 01:46 AM

828GammaLibBugFeedbackLowGLog prepends date in block of text01/22/2014 10:04 PM

874GammaLibFeatureNewHighTest gammalib morphology fitting agains other toolsDeil Christoph10/16/2015 11:23 PM

970GammaLibChange requestNewNormalGCTAObservation::read allocates empty response if no response information is specified11/02/2013 11:03 PM

972GammaLibChange requestNewLowCreate a general registry class to reduce code duplication11/12/2013 12:01 PM

989GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressNormalAdd support for variable length columns to FITS module.Knödlseder Jürgen11/22/2013 05:14 PM

992GammaLibActionNewNormalCheck of set_mc_cone() should also be added to the diffuse map class to provide the proper normalization of the Monte Carlo.11/19/2013 02:25 AM

1000GammaLibBugNewNormalASCII table has wrong content in second saving of Python unit test11/21/2013 02:21 AM

1001GammaLibFeatureNewNormalImplement general scheme to handle event classes07/19/2014 02:09 AM

1002GammaLibActionNewNormalUse std::vector to hold column pointers in GFitsTable11/23/2013 01:47 AM

1041GammaLibFeatureNewHighDocument observation definition XML file format07/19/2014 02:10 AM

1052GammaLibChange requestNewLowGammaLib local sphinx docs sometimes load slowly because they fetch Google fonts and Mathjax onlineDeil Christoph07/19/2014 02:11 AM

1055GammaLibChange requestNewLowReview coding rule: "Output arguments should be passed as pointers"Knödlseder Jürgen01/06/2014 12:01 AM

1066GammaLibFeatureNewNormalCheck of GCTAModelBackground GModelSpatialDiffuseCube center and coverage of roi01/08/2014 07:00 PM

1070GammaLibFeatureNewNormalAdd @make install-no-doxygen@ target (or document it in @make help@ output if it exists)Knödlseder Jürgen07/19/2014 02:10 AM

1076GammaLibChange requestIn ProgressNormalRemove @GApplicationPars.write@ call from GApplication() destructor?Deil Christoph03/13/2014 12:37 PM

1078GammaLibFeatureNewLowAdd unit tests for GModel::mc() methods01/13/2014 10:01 PM

1079GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressNormalImprove GammaLib unit testing experience04/24/2014 04:12 PM

1085GammaLibFeatureNewHighGCTAAeff-classes should have members specifying their valid range 01/21/2014 09:35 AM

1098GammaLibBugNewNormalGammalib does not compile on Mac OS X 10.406/28/2015 08:36 PM

1101GammaLibBugNewNormalUnit test fail sporadically01/24/2014 10:32 AM

1111GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressNormalcreate GSkyRegionRing class 07/19/2014 02:10 AM

1118GammaLibActionIn ProgressNormalDocument CTA energy dispersion in the GammaLib user manualKnödlseder Jürgen10/27/2015 11:11 PM

1122GammaLibActionNewNormalCalculate IRFs for GSkyRegionsKosack Karl03/11/2016 06:09 PM

1123GammaLibFeatureNewNormalImplement energy dependent SkyRegion01/29/2014 05:40 PM

1124GammaLibActionNewNormalimplement region rotation03/11/2016 06:08 PM

1125GammaLibActionNewNormalAdd unit test for 3D interpolation in GCTAResponseTable06/16/2014 11:37 AM

1176GammaLibChange requestNewNormalIntroduce GCTAPointings container class to handle pointing tables03/13/2014 01:10 PM

1197GammaLibChange requestNewHighGammlib should check consistency of model and observation xmlsKnödlseder Jürgen07/21/2014 10:23 PM

1234GammaLibFeatureNewNormalAdd a way to create IRF classes directly without needing FITS files06/26/2014 09:30 AM

1245GammaLibActionNewNormalAdd fill method to GSkymap07/08/2014 09:25 AM

1253GammaLibActionNewLowMerge doc/source/user_manual/manual/ pages into the normal user manual07/09/2014 09:44 AM

1 2 3 4 (1-100/331) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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