
ctools: ctools & GammaLib 1.1 released

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 8 years ago

The ctools & GammaLib development team announces the release of version 1.1 of the software packages.

This release adds significant functionality to the packages, including
  • IACT analysis scripts
  • A workflow manager
  • Virtual Observatory interoperability
  • Support for On/Off fitting
  • Full energy dispersion support
  • Support for Fermi/LAT Pass 8 analysis

In addition, we revised the format of the model definition XML files, please read and update your XML files accordingly. The old format is still supported for legacy reasons, but we encourage you to use the new format from now on.

You will find the full list of improvements, new features and bug fixes in the release history of the packages:

The software can be downloaded at

If you encounter difficulties using ctools & GammaLib, please visit for getting help.

The ctools & GammaLib development team

ctools: ctools bug fix 1.0.1 release

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen over 8 years ago

ctools version 1.0.1 has been released.

This is a bug fix for ctools release 1.0.

The following bug fixes have been implemented:
  • Re-enable ctmodel computation for stacked analysis (#1609)
  • Solve compatibility issues with Anaconda on Mac OS X (#1607)
  • Change diffuse map for science verification

GammaLib: GammaLib bug fix 1.0.1 release

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen over 8 years ago

GammaLib version 1.0.1 has been released.

This is a bug fix for GammaLib release 1.0.

The following bug fixes have been implemented:
  • Add units to CTA event list columns (#1616)
  • Allow usage of numbers in FITS extension names (#1611)
  • Solve compatibility issues with Anaconda on Mac OS X (#1607)
  • Correct diffuse map MC normalisation (#1584)

ctools: ctools version 1.0.0 release

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen over 8 years ago

ctools version 1.0.0 has been released.

This is the first stable release of ctools. The package is now under change control.

The following changes have been implemented with respect to the previous release:
  • Update end-user documentation
  • Rename cshessobs to csiactobs and add csiactdata (#1608)
  • Ignore errors in El Capitan post processing (#1605)
  • Change GException to RuntimeError in cscripts (#1604)
  • Adapt to GammaLib interface changs (#1603)
  • Add csobs2caldb script (#1579)
  • Add csobsinfo, csmodelinfo, csmodelmerge, cstsmapmerge (#1578)
  • Implement handling of stacked data in csspec (#1566)
  • Resolve Python test problem on El Capitan (#1563)

GammaLib: GammaLib version 1.0.0 release

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen over 8 years ago

GammaLib version 1.0.0 has been released.

This is the first stable release of GammaLib. The package is now under change control.

The following changes have been implemented with respect to the previous release:
  • Ignore errors for El Capitan post processing (#1605)
  • Read only mandatory columns in GCTAEventList (#1600)
  • Remove extname arguments from classes (#1601)
  • Add GFilename class (#1599)
  • Check existence of files in CTA response loading (#1586)
  • GSkyMap::__getitem__ throw exception if out of bound (#1581)
  • Handle ~ in filenames (#1580)
  • Add GModel::has_ts() method (#1578)
  • Perform creation only in build step (#1569)
  • Remove access by name methods from GSkyRegions (#1564)
  • Resolve Python test problem on El Capitan (#1563)

ctools: ctools version 0.10.0 release

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen over 8 years ago

ctools version 0.10.0 has been released.

This is the final release before ctools version 1.0. The release implements all features that are scheduled for version 1.0, and serves as a beta release for version 1.0. The package has undergone extensive science verifications.

The following changes have been implemented with respect to the previous release:
  • Add science verification tests (#1555)
  • Specifying --help on command line displays help text (#572)
  • Limit power law parameters in ctbkgcube (#1547)
  • Extend cspull to stacked analysis (#1503)
  • Add tests for installed ctools version (#1486)
  • Create cscripts Python module, move obsutils in that module (#1470)
  • Add csinfo script (#1489)
  • Removed obsutils.spectrum() function (replaced by csspec)
  • Add cterror tool
  • Check existence of ROI in ctbin (#1476)
  • Allocate optimizer in ctlike upon construction (#1471)
  • Move cscripts into the ctools Python module (#1470)

GammaLib: GammaLib version 0.11.0 release

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen over 8 years ago

GammaLib version 0.11.0 has been released.

This is the final release before GammaLib version 1.0. The release implements all features that are scheduled for version 1.0, and serves as a beta release for version 1.0. The package has undergone extensive science verifications.

The following changes have been implemented with respect to the previous release:
  • Add need_help() method to GApplication (#572)
  • Correct GModelSpatialDiffuseCube computations (#1559)
  • Add save() and write() methods to GModelSpatialDiffuseCube
  • Add interval constructor and set methods to GEnergies class
  • Add Python unit test function to gammalib module (#1486)
  • Increase CTA IRF integration precision for shell model (#1521)
  • Correctly handle MC simulations for unnormalized diffuse maps (#1548)
  • Improve precision of shell model in unbinned analysis (#1521)
  • Add GCTAModelAeffBackground class
  • Remove small angle approximation from GModelSpatialRadialShell
  • Rename GSkymap to GSkyMap
  • Add binary operators to GSkymap class
  • GSkymap::operator/=(GSkymap) operator now ignores division by zero
  • Remove deadtime correction from GCTAModelCubeBackground (#1503)
  • Add GCTAObservation::object() method
  • Correct model gradient computation
  • Correct check of pixel containment in sky map (GSkymap::contains())
  • Do only search in users pfiles if PFILES environment variable is not set
  • Correct GModelSpatialDiffuseConst::mc() method (#1480)
  • Add is_valid() method to GCTARoi and write keywords only if ROI is valid (#1476)
  • Increased number of integration iterations for energy dispersion (#1472)
  • Add GOptimizerLM::logger() method, logger constructor takes pointer (#1471)
  • Replaced fixed precision integration by fixed iterations (#1466)
  • Implement rejection method for skymap Monte Carlo (#1465)

ctools: ctools version 0.9.0 release

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen about 9 years ago

ctools version 0.9.0 has been release.

This is (hopefully) the final release before ctools version 1.0, and the release implements most of the features and issues that are scheduled for version 1.0. New with this version are the official CTA Instrument Response Functions that are bundled now within ctools.

The following changes have been implemented with respect to the previous release:

  • Adapt to GammaLib 0.10.0 interface
  • Do not import automatically Python scripts
  • Support INDEF/NONE/UNDEF/UNDEFINED parameters in ctselect
  • Modify cssens parameter interface (#1426)
  • Add csobsdef script (#1429)
  • Add ctulimit tool (#1363)
  • Allow ctmodel usage for stacked analysis from command line
  • Correct rate check in ctobssim for map cubes (#1452)
  • Handle background cubes for stacked analysis (#1371)
  • Add csspec script (#1364)
  • Add cslightcrv script (#1365)
  • Correct sensitivity computation in cssens

ctools version 0.9.0 requires gammalib version 0.10.0.

GammaLib: GammaLib version 0.10.0 release

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen about 9 years ago

GammaLib version 0.10.0 has been released.

This is (hopefully) the final release before GammaLib version 1.0, and the release implements most of the features and issues that are scheduled for version 1.0. New with this version are the official CTA Instrument Response Functions that are bundled now within GammaLib.

The following changes have been implemented with respect to the previous release:

  • Add optional PHASE information to CTA event lists
  • Use URL path informtion in GVOClient connection to Hub
  • Ignore empty string parameters in GModel::is_valid()
  • Add some constructors
  • Add classname methods to Python interface (#1321)
  • Rename CTA cube analysis classes (#1269)
  • Do not dump unqueried parameters (#1349)
  • Add GBilinear class
  • Add WCS projections (MOL)
  • Add GXmlElement::has_attribute() method
  • Add GSkymap scaling operators (#1296)
  • Add GSkymap::extract() method (#1442)
  • Implement GApplicationPar range checking (#285)
  • Forbid appending to text, comment and PI XML nodes (#804)
  • Increase precision for diffuse model Npred computation (#1248)
  • Implement observation definition reader/writer (#1429)
  • Remove etrue flag from CTA background IRF (#1437)
  • Allow appending of empty intervals to GEbounds and GGti
  • Add single interval constructor to GGti
  • Allow calling GNodeArray::set_value() for a single node
  • Add GTI and livetime information to GCTACubeExposure
  • Add GModelSpatial::contains method (#1446)
  • Add GModelSpatialEllipticalGauss class (#1412)
  • Add GVOHub class (#1229)
  • Add CTA Prod2 instrument response function (#1464)

ctools: ctools-00-08-00 release

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen over 9 years ago

The ctools version 0.8.0 has been released.

The release includes the following changes:
  • Clean-up public interface
  • Adapt to GammaLib 0.9.0 interface
  • Add ctexpcube tool (generates exposure cube)
  • Add ctpsfcube tool (generates PSF cube)
  • Add ctbkgcube tool (generates background cube)
  • Add ctcubemask tool (masks event bins in event cube)
  • Add cttsmap tool (generates TS map)
  • Add ctbutterfly tool (generates butterfly diagram)
  • Add csresmap script (generates residual map)
  • Introduce ctool base class
  • ctbin now always merges event lists into a single counts cube
  • ctmodel now always creates a single model cube
  • Support energy dispersion in ctobssim, ctlike and ctmodel
  • Correct ctobssim for thread safety
  • Support save and user energy thresholds in ctselect
  • Correctly apply time references in ctselect
  • Reduce memory usage
  • Move obsutils to ctools namespace
  • Add several functions to obsutils
  • Enhance documentation

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